Participant Information and Services Guide
The Aspen Medical Training Academy team prides itself on delivering high quality, innovative and interactive training programs. We create a learning environment inclusive of access and equity that maximises outcomes for clients and participants.
Responsibilities in the Learning Environment
Aspen Medical Training Academy
The Aspen Medical Training Academy is responsible for the following:
- ensuring the learning environment is respectful, supportive and positive which meets the diverse range of our participant’s needs
- providing a learning environment that is free from discrimination, bullying, harassment and protects participants’ health and safety
- make available accurate, accessible and timely information on all aspects of training programs
- deliver training in suitable facilities that enhance the learning experience that ensure the health and safety of participants and trainers
- utilise modern equipment in support of participants undertaking training programs
- provide timely, fair and constructive assessments of participant work and feedback
- recognise participants’ rights ensuring the privacy of participant information
- provide a mechanism for participant appeals and complaints
- provides a policy on refunds and cancellations.
Participant’s responsibilities include:
- treat other participants and staff with respect and fairness in a culturally sensitive, tolerant, non-discriminatory and non-bullying/harassing manner
- participate constructively during face to face learning activities, being respectful of others opinions and ideas
- complete all assessments honestly ensuring all work provided is the participants’
- do not enter an Aspen Medical Training Academy Facility under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
- follow the Aspen Medical Training Academy procedures to appeal decision or seek to resolve concerns or complaints.
Participant Responsibility for Health and Safety
In addition to the participant responsibilities above there are specific participants responsibilities for health and safety:
- ensure you do not take any action that creates a risk or increases an existing risk to the health and safety of other people in the learning environment
- where required, wear appropriate personal protective equipment including eye protection, gloves and face masks
- use any training equipment in accordance with instructions from trainers or the manufacturer’s instructions
- protect yourself from injury by reporting any pre-existing injuries to the training staff and ensuring you take breaks from repetitive activities e.g. swap operators every two minutes when undertaking CPR
- take reasonable precautions to protect yourself and others by not attending courses when you are aware you have an infectious disease. If you have been diagnosed as suffering an infectious disease, you must notify the Aspen Medical Training Academy team
- not willfully interfere with or misuse equipment or facilities provided in the interest of health, safety and welfare of the Aspen Medical Training Academy team.
Enrolment for Aspen Medical Training Academy Training programs will be completed through the training website. Payment will need to accompany the online enrolment to ensure the position on the desired course is secured. This will also allow access to any eLearning that needs to be completed prior to the face-to-face delivery of the course.
During the course enrolment, participants will be asked to enter their Unique Student Identifier (USI). Every participant completing a Vocational Education and Training (VET) course is required to obtain a USI. If you do not have a USI you can access where you can apply for your USI. This process only takes a few minutes and this identifier will remain yours forever. A qualification or statement of attainment cannot be issued until you have provided your USI.
Absences from Training Courses
It is your responsibility to notify the Aspen Medical Training Academy if you are not able to attend a training program due to illness. In certain circumstances you can be rescheduled to another course or a refund provided. Refer to the Aspen Medical Training Academy Refund and Cancellation Policy.
Refunds and Cancellations
The Aspen Medical Training Academy will offer a full refund for course fees where:
- the Aspen Medical Training Academy cancels, reschedules or is unable to complete a course
- participants who give notice to cancel their enrolment fees more than 16 working days prior to the commencement of a course
- a participant has a medical certificate verifying their inability to attend a course
- if a participant can demonstrate that extenuating or significant personal circumstance led to their withdrawal.
In all of the above cases, the participant should be offered a full credit toward the tuition fee in another scheduled program or offered a full refund.
With regards to the Advanced Life Support Course Level 1, an amount of $77 will deducted from the refund where the manual has not been returned or is returned in a damaged condition.
Participants who cancel their enrolment after a training program has commenced will not be entitled to a refund of fees. Enrolment into a course via e-learning or other pre-learning material will be deemed to have commenced when the learner resources have been dispatched.
If a participant is unable to attend a course, another nominated person may take their place in the course, provided this is agreed upon by the parties involved. If a participant cannot attend a course and books into another corresponding course, no extra fee will be incurred.
Where a participant is enrolled in the Advanced Life Support Level 1 course, they can nominate another person to take their place where this is undertaken greater than two weeks prior to the course date.
Participants who give notice to cancel their enrolment less than 16 working days prior to the commencement of a course will be entitled to a 75% refund of fees paid. The amount retained (25%) by the Aspen Medical Training Academy is required to cover the cost of staff and resources which will have already been committed based on the participants’ initial intention to undertake the training.
All refunds must be paid within 14 days from the time the participant gives written notice to cancel their enrolment or other specified criteria that require a refund to be made.
Refunds will be made by electronic funds transfer using the authorised bank account or credit card nominated by the participants.
Client Services
The Aspen Medical Training Academy is committed to providing quality training services to both clients and participants and will endeavor to:
- liaise with clients to review, plan, design and deliver programs that meet both the needs of the organisation and the participants
- continuously improve client and participants services by collecting, analysing and acting on relevant data and feedback
- through effective training service management, ensure participants receive the services detailed in their agreement with the Aspen Medical Training Academy Facility.
Participant Needs Analysis
The Aspen Medical Training Academy services are monitored to ensure alignment with client and participant needs are met through regular review of training services. This will also include a review of “overlaps” where participants are enrolled in more than one VET qualification at the Aspen Medical Training Academy or with another RTO.
Participants will also be given the opportunity to provide feedback to the Aspen Medical Training Academy through informal and formal processes such as training evaluation surveys and when indicated, participant engagement surveys.
Support can be provided to assist participants who experience difficulties with language, literacy or numeracy. Ensure you discuss the support you need with your trainer or a member of the Aspen Medical Training Academy. This includes a disability you may have which could impact on your ability to complete an assessment. A reasonable adjustment can be made to assessments to take into account a disability or learning issue.
Client and participant Information
During the enrolment process, the Aspen Medical Training Academy will collect certain information from a participant which is required for course processing and compliance reporting to the National regulator. The information will be maintained within a secure, password protected Learning Management System (LMS) and retained for 30 years in line with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations.
Participants wishing to access course completion or other information can do so by making written representations to the Training, Education and Development Manager by email to [email protected]
Definition: An incident (an event) that occurred with a potential to harm or actual harm.
If you are involved in an incident while at your training course, inform your Aspen Medical Training Academy educator and ensure an incident report is completed. If you require medical attention, inform your Aspen Medical Training Academy educator who will provide first aid and/or arrange for additional medical support through the Ambulance Service.
Where an Ambulance is called by an Aspen Medical Training Academy educator to assist with medical treatment, the cost of the Ambulance is borne by you. Certain participants may already be covered by Ambulance cover including:
- pensioner concession and healthcare card holders
- full-time participants under 26 who are covered by their family’s health insurance
- participants already covered by private health insurance.
Although you may not have called requested an ambulance personally, an ambulance may have been called on your behalf to provide medical assistance. ACT Legislation places the legal obligation on the person receiving the ambulance service to pay the account.
Assessment is the term used to describe the process by which you demonstrate you have met the learning outcomes from your course. The assessment task can take many forms including practical demonstrations of skills, multiple choice questionnaires, short answer questions and essays, role plays and oral presentations. Your trainer will advise you at the beginning of the course the assessments you will be required to undertake.
To meet your individual needs, adjustments can be made to the way assessments are conducted but not to the requirements of the assessment. The purpose of these adjustments is to enhance fairness and flexibility so that the specific needs of learners can be met.
Examples of reasonable adjustments:
- providing additional time for the participant to practice the assessment tasks
- presenting questions orally for participants with literacy issues
- asking questions in a relevant practical context
- where possible, adapting equipment to make it more easily used
- presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of words and sentences.
Discuss your individual circumstances with your trainer.
Appeals and Complaints
The Aspen Medical Training Academy has a Training Complaints and Appeals Policy in place to allow for the management of complaints or appeals against assessment decisions.
A complaint or appeal can be lodged using the following steps:
- you can initially direct your complaint your trainer who may be directly aware of the concern
- if uncomfortable with speaking to the team member concerned or the issue is not able to be resolved, you are encouraged to speak directly with the Training, Education and Development Manager on 02 6203 9500 or email [email protected]
- if the complaint cannot be resolved easily, you may be encouraged to submit a formal complaint in writing. The relevant form would be provided to you
- the complaint would then be investigated in accordance with the Aspen Medical Training Academy Complaints and Appeals process
- where the outcome of the investigation cannot be resolved, the matter will be referred to the RTO Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who may request an independent panel to review the outcome and provide advice
- The outcome from the RTO CEO will be final however you can seek to engage external the appropriate government body or seek a decision through the court system.
Course Fees
Fees for individual courses are advertised on our website under each individual course. These prices can rise without warning however they are accurate at the time of publication on the website.
Clients are encouraged to seek a course rate where they have multiple participants wishing to undertake the same course.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process for giving an individual credit for the skills, knowledge and experience they have gained through working and learning. This accumulated learning can be gained at any stage of your life, through formal and informal education, in Australia or overseas, through work or other activities such as volunteering.
Where recognition is granted via the RPL process, the individual is given full equivalent status, equal to those participants who have completed the program by attendance, course work and an assessment of competence.
RPL will be granted when sufficient valid, relevant, authentic evidence is presented to support the participants’ attainment of selected competencies, against the required standards.
Should you wish to apply for RPL, you will need to contact the Aspen Medical Training Academy Team and complete an RPL kit. This will involve you providing all the evidence you have against the required standard of the selected course.
Once the completed RPL kit is received a decision will be made determining whether RPL is granted or further evidence is required.
Further enquiries regarding the information contained in this Participant Information and Services Guide should be directed to the Aspen Medical Training Academy Team on 02 6203 9500 or via email [email protected].